Sunday, 3 June 2012

June Updates

In opening, I'd like to apologize for the lack of updates the past couple of weeks but fret not! That just means there's more to to read now!

THE UNREALITY OF TIME: Fans looking forward to the first ever physical CD release, the four-way split between Psychomanteum, Rasalhague, Cogwheel and Taphephobia will be glad to know both Exxospheric Emissions and I have received our copies from the factory. They'll be available shortly!

REVIEWS: Over the past two weeks or so, I've been fortunate to hear of a collective of Kalpamantra-related reviews. They are particularly simplistic, but positive feedback is always appreciated nonetheless!
You can view the reviews here.

FIGURES: I'm also happy to announce that the Kalpamantra SoundCloud page recently struck 1,000 followers and the fan-page on Facebook has just passed the ever popular #666. Thanks for the support!

RELEASES (PAST): Just to get you up to speed (although you probably already know), there have been new releases posted on BandCamp. They are KM047, KM048, KM049 and KM050.

RELEASES (FUTURE): Be sure to stay tuned for the upcoming Kalpamantra/Malignant digital compilation, not to mention upcoming material by Gydja, Parhelion and New Risen Throne.