In opening, I'd like to apologize for the lack of updates the past couple of weeks but fret not! That just means there's more to to read now!
THE UNREALITY OF TIME: Fans looking forward to the first ever physical CD release, the four-way split between Psychomanteum, Rasalhague, Cogwheel and Taphephobia will be glad to know both Exxospheric Emissions and I have received our copies from the factory. They'll be available shortly!
REVIEWS: Over the past two weeks or so, I've been fortunate to hear of a collective of Kalpamantra-related reviews. They are particularly simplistic, but positive feedback is always appreciated nonetheless!
You can view the reviews here.
FIGURES: I'm also happy to announce that the Kalpamantra SoundCloud page recently struck 1,000 followers and the fan-page on Facebook has just passed the ever popular #666. Thanks for the support!
RELEASES (PAST): Just to get you up to speed (although you probably already know), there have been new releases posted on BandCamp. They are KM047, KM048, KM049 and KM050.
RELEASES (FUTURE): Be sure to stay tuned for the upcoming Kalpamantra/Malignant digital compilation, not to mention upcoming material by Gydja, Parhelion and New Risen Throne.